Easy Ways to Use Boom C

Easy Ways To Assign Boom Cards For Homework

Do your students get excited about homework? Every year, I have some students obsessed with homework and others who will use a homework pass any chance they get. However, there is one homework assignment that none of my students want to skip, and that’s Boom Cards.

Assigning Boom Cards as homework can be so simple, yet many teachers are hesitant to do so since they aren’t sure how to explain the assignment to parents. Here’s where I can help. Keep reading to learn how I assign Boom Cards as homework to primary-grade students.

Use Boom Cards In The Classroom

This is an important step before assigning Boom Cards as homework. Make sure your students are familiar with Boom Cards and Boom Learning. Whether you’re using them as a whole group activity or students are playing decks during centers, you’ll want to make sure they aren’t expected to access a completely new platform on their own at home. If you’re unsure how to start using Boom Cards IN the classroom, check out this blog post.

Send Home A Letter To Parents

You’ll want to teach your parents about Boom Cards by using a simple letter that explains what they are, how to access the platform, and why you’re using them. I created letters that you can simply print and send home that includes all this information! You can grab your FREE copy of the letters to send home to parents.

Assign The Decks For Homework

Now your last step is to assign the homework! Depending on your Boom Learning Membership tier, this can be done in several ways. 

If you have a paid membership and students have access to sign into their own accounts, you can simply assign the deck to your class/students and let them know to play the assigned deck. I send home a homework notice that tells students to sign in and play the specific deck. 

If you have a free membership, you’ll need to send home a FastPlay Pin for the deck that students can type in and play. You can type or write the FasyPlay Pin on the homework notice and send it home.

If you use an online learning platform such as Google Classroom, SeeSaw, or Class Dojo, you can simply assign the deck by posting the FastPlay Pin Link (free account) or HyperPlay Link (paid account) as an assignment on your platform. 

I use these simple, easy-to-use Boom Learning Homework Notices to make assigning Boom Cards as homework effortless! You can find these Boom Learning Homework Notices in my Teachers Pay Teachers store.

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