3 Simple And Fun Spelling Games For Elementary Students
Who doesn’t love playing games? When I say the word “game” in my First Grade classroom, my students instantly perk up and get their “game face” on. Games can be a great way to work on new skills and practice old ones all while working on sportsmanship and perseverance. I love using learning games in my classroom to practice and review the spelling skills that we are learning. Simple and fun spelling games for elementary students don’t have to be difficult to find or put together. Here are some of my favorite EASY learning games to practice and review spelling words.
1. Wordle
Do you wordle? If you haven’t heard about Wordle yet, you just might be living under a rock…just kidding! Wordle is an online word game that has quickly become a loved game played by millions.

Did you know you can create your own Wordle? That’s right. You can use any word (like a word straight from your spelling list). Then you can share the link with your students to play on their own or pull it up on the smartboard to play as a class. Think of how much fun they’ll have when guessing the letters!
You know those times when you have 5-10 minutes of a transition and you need something to fill the short gap? Head to this website and type in a word. Your students can start playing in under 30 seconds!
Playing with younger students? I always share our word list with my first graders as they’re playing so they have a place to start generating guesses from. It’s a little hint but doesn’t take away from the fun!
2. Boom Cards
Digital task cards are my absolute favorite way to practice or review a spelling skill. Students can play individually as an independent activity or you can display the deck of Boom Cards on your smartboard for the whole class to engage in.

All you have to do is find a deck of Boom Cards that focuses on the spelling skill you are focusing on and add it to your Boom Learning library. And yes, an account on Boom Learning is FREE so your students can play without you having to pay and create their own accounts. You can start your search here if you are looking for Boom Cards with specific spelling skills.
These self-checking, digital task cards take no more than 30 seconds to play! When I use them with my whole class as a review game, I have all my students take out a dry erase board. Each student has to spell the word at their seat and one student is called up to play the card on the board. This ensures that everyone is practicing at once!
Not sure where to get started with Boom Cards? It’s easy and free! This blog post will teach you exactly how to get started using these fun and engaging spelling games.
3. Spelling City
Here is another FREE and easy website for your students to play spelling games.

Spelling City is great because you can add your own word lists for each spelling skill you teach. It will also save your word lists to be used year after year. Talk about easy!
After you create a free teacher account you can create your own word list. Then you can share your username or link with your students and they can pick from a variety of games to practice their words.
This site has both free and paid games for your students to play but we love all the free games and never get bored with them! My personal favorite game is the word search.
Want to try a spelling Boom Card deck for free?
I hope you find a spelling game on this list that you will try with your students! If you have any more suggestions for spelling games to review spelling words, leave a comment below. I’d love to check them out!
Save these quick and engaging spelling games!
Don’t forget to pin these Quick and Engaging Online Spelling Game ideas to your Word Work Pinterest board so you can easily find them when you are ready to add some fun to your spelling lessons!