Make Word Problems Fun With a Winter Math Craft

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Word problems can be tricky for young students. This concept requires plenty of practice and visuals to master. Over the years, I have found that one of the best ways to teach word problems is with crafting! Yes, really! Let me walk you through my favorite winter math craft for teaching word problems.

Make word problems fun with a winter math craft that your students are sure to love.

How Crafts Can Help

Crafts? Really? I know, I know – crafts probably aren’t the first thing that comes to mind when you consider how to enrich your math curriculum. But, let me tell you, friend… they will be a total game-changer for you! Here’s why…

Crafts Are Fun!

This image highlights a winter math craft with a fun penguin theme!

This is probably the most obvious reason, but still worth stating. We all know that when students are having fun, we get way more enthusiasm and engagement. When you mix things up with a winter math craft, your kids will be excited to dive into word problems!

Crafts Use Hands-On Learning

Do your kids need tactile learning opportunities for skills like word problems to really sink in? Mine too! This is why crafts will be a winner in your room. Not to mention, the fine motor skill practice is another big bonus.

Crafts Are Versatile

Another big bonus of the winter math craft I am sharing today is versatility. Included, you’ll find word problems for sums to 10 and sums to 20 to ensure that the activity you provide each student matches their skill level.

So, don’t be afraid of crafting in the classroom, my friend! There are so many wonderful benefits to using them and I know your students will love it.

Teaching Word Problems with a Winter Math Craft

Using this winter math craft, students can solve addition problems and create an adorable penguin craft.

So, what makes teaching word problems so tricky for primary students? Well in my opinion it’s because we have students who are new readers that are also trying to learn new math skills. Trying to read word problems while focusing on the math can get a little tough! That’s one of the reasons I like to mix things up when teaching word problems.

When it comes to teaching word problems in January, I love to use my winter math craft resource because the problems are tailored to new readers and have a fun seasonal spin on them. No complicated or difficult-to-read words here! I have purposefully chosen to include words that are simple for young students to read and encourage independence.

There are 6 options included for sums to 10 and 6 options included for sums to 20, so there are plenty of choices! Oh and did I mention that the word problems all use a winter theme? Your students will love counting snowballs, snowmen, and mugs of hot chocolate! You can work on each one together as a group or give students different math problems so that everyone is working on different things. Either way, this will reduce a lot of the stress and difficulty associated with teaching word problems.

Using This Winter Math Craft

This image highlights 3 of the penguin activities that students can complete.

Now that we understand the benefits of bringing crafts into our math lessons, let’s talk a little more about how to use my favorite Winter Math Craft. This penguin craft is sure to be a hit in your classroom for many reasons. My favorite though is the easy prep nature of the activity. I know that when we hear the word “craft” visions of spilling glue bottles and piles of glitter come to mind. Yikes! But no need to worry friends, this craft is easy to prep and low-mess. Just print and go!

Students will each get a penguin, an iceberg, and a speech bubble. These are prepared in the resource with instructions on how many pages to print for each kiddo to make this quick and easy for you. They will read the word problem on their penguin and then write the equation on their iceberg to solve. I also like to provide students with manipulatives to model the problem as they work. Using visuals is super helpful as children master this topic. After solving the problem, they color, cut, and glue the winter math craft together. That’s it!

The best part though is that these make the cutest classroom display when everyone is finished! I put them all up on the board along with the letters included that read “Waddling into Winter”. The students love to see their work displayed and I love having a simple, seasonal bulletin board option that focuses on an important math skill.

Going Beyond the Winter Math Craft

This photo showcases the worksheets that can be paired with the winter math craft.

I know that practice with word problems is important, so inside this resource, I also included some practice pages. Aside from the winter math craft itself, you’ll have plenty of other options to keep practicing including:

  • 2 worksheets with sums to 10
  • 2 worksheets with sums to 20
  • “Write Your Own Word Problem” worksheet
  • Answer keys for easy grading

The worksheets have a space under each word problem so that students can draw how many items they are counting. I like to use the worksheets for sums of 10 before or after the craft that matches. Then we can use the worksheets for sums to 20 with that craft. It’s great to be able to use the crafting materials more than once as students progress in skill level. Another option is to differentiate by skill level in your room and make sure every student gets a worksheet and craft that is challenging to them.

More Tips for Making Crafting Easier In the Classroom

This photo shows a teacher demonstrating how to use scissors.

So what do you think, friend? Doesn’t this winter math craft look like fun?! If you’re new to crafting, there’s no need to worry! With simple math crafts like these, you’ll be able to include hands-on learning activities that students enjoy without worrying about adding stress to your plate. Here are a few more tips to make crafting a bit easier in the classroom.

  • Choose low-prep crafts that students can be independent with.
  • Model proper crafting practices to students such as how to use scissors and glue.
  • Start with crafts as a small group activity to help students understand the expectations. Once students have got it down, you can use them with your whole group easily.
  • Don’t forget to have fun! This is an important step friends, so don’t skip it! Crafting is a fun way to learn new things, so treat it as such.

Keep these tips in mind as you begin using math crafts in your classroom. I know that once your students get familiar with the expectations, you’ll be so glad you chose to include them!

Math Crafts for the Whole Year

This image highlights another winter math craft that you may want to include in your classroom.

Who says the fun has to end with this winter math craft? If you love the idea of teaching math concepts with crafts, you’re in luck! I have a huge bundle of Monthly Math Craft Activities that you can use all year long in your classroom to make math more fun. Inside you get 10+ crafts that focus on important primary math concepts. Some of the things your students will work on include:

  • addition and subtraction
  • fact families
  • true or false equations
  • comparing numbers
  • telling time and more!

This bundle has a craft for each month in the classroom. They make targeting a specific math skill fun and easy through a hands-on learning craft that everyone will love. Not to mention, each one includes options for a bulletin board display as well as extra practice worksheets. And as a bonus, differentiation is built right in! With multiple skill level options for each craft, there will be something for everyone. I know you and your students will look forward to these monthly math crafts!

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Make word problems fun with this winter math craft that your students are sure to love! Not only will students be able to practice their addition skills to 10 and to 20, but they will also be able to create an adorable penguin craft to go along with it using this activity.

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