How To Use Scholastic Book Club Letter To Parents
As a teacher, it’s crucial to establish a connection between home and school. Scholastic Book Clubs are a great way to achieve this goal. By sending home a book order flyer with a Scholastic Book Club Letter to Parents, parents have the chance to choose books with their child, which can strengthen the relationship between family and school.
This blog post will provide ideas for teachers on utilizing Scholastic Book Clubs to strengthen the connection between home and school and share resources to help you get started. You can make this an exciting part of your home-school connection while boosting your students’ love for reading!

Promote Reading at Home with Scholastic Book Clubs
Scholastic Book Clubs offer an excellent opportunity to keep children engaged with new books outside the classroom. Each month, students receive a Scholastic book order form, allowing them to select books they wish to purchase.
As a teacher, you can help families connect with their child’s interests by encouraging them to choose enjoyable books. Set aside a little time each month in your classroom to explore the flyer with your students. This
Depending on their age, your students can either mark the books they like on the flyer or use a Scholastic Book Club Wishlist paper to write down the titles and page numbers of the books they want.

Letter to Parents Allows Teachers to Recommend Great Books
Parents frequently inquire about book suggestions for their children, asking, “What are some good books my child should read?” or “Can you recommend specific books for me to purchase?”
Now you can use a Scholastic Parent Letter that is easy to use and suggests books each month. Use your teaching expertise to choose books matching your students’ interests and reading levels. Type your book suggestions in the Editable Monthly Notice to send home with the flyer. Parents can order them from Scholastic based on this letter.
Encourage Parent Involvement in Classroom Activities
You can encourage greater involvement in classroom activities by providing quality books for parents to read with their children. Invite parents as guest readers or have them send in their favorite Scholastic Book Order to share with the class.
Scholastic Book Club Letter to Parents

Easily streamline sending home monthly flyers to families with Scholastic’s Book Club Letters to Parents.
It helps generate enthusiasm for book ordering and boosts book orders within my classroom. Scholastic also offers perks for teachers! Here are five reasons why you should use Scholastic Book Clubs in your classroom as a teacher.
The Scholastic Book Club Letter to Parents offers an editable introduction to be sent to families at the start of the year.
It aims to introduce Scholastic to them and allows you to include your ordering information.
The resource has an editable handout that can be attached to the monthly Scholastic flyers. You can add your book recommendations, class code, and due date to the monthly handout. The handout serves as a reminder for parents on how to place orders.
The Scholastic Book Club Letter to Parents pack includes 8 options for Student Wishlists that you can choose from to find the best fit for your classroom and students.

I hope you try Scholastic Book Clubs in your classroom this year to strengthen the home-school connection and continue fostering your students’ passions for reading at home!
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