Boom Cards and Why I LOVE Them!
If you haven’t heard about Boom Cards (hosted at Boom Learning) yet, you’re in for some excitement! I stumbled upon them a few years ago while I was searching Pinterest for some digital activities to bring into my Kindergarten classroom. Once I tried them, I instantly became OBSESSED. Boom Cards are the traditional task cards teachers love but they are digital, interactive and NO PREP. Yes, you heard me. No printing, no cutting, no laminating!

Before finding Boom, I tried to create digital resources for my classroom using PowerPoint. The process was tiresome and it lacked the ability to add sound and self-check. My little learners needed too much assistance in accessing and completing activities on their own. Bottom line- they weren’t doing the job that I wanted them to do. I needed an activity that my Kindergarteners could access and complete independently.

In this deck, students will type the number that is 10 more, 10 less, 1 more and 1 less than the number in the middle. Once they click SUBMIT, it will be checked! If they made an error, they will be told which number is wrong so they can fix it.
Enter, Boom Cards. These interactive, digital resources changed the way we used the beloved task cards in the classroom. You can use Boom Cards on pretty much any device with an internet connection. That means they can be played on smartboards, tablets, computers, laptops and even cell phones! As the teacher, you have access to a HUGE library of decks which includes all subject areas. These “decks” are made up of individual, digital task cards for your students to complete. With Boom Learning, there is a range of teacher tools which allows the teacher to assign certain decks to the class/individual students.

In this deck, students can click on the speaker to hear the name of the picture. Then they will unscramble and drag the letters to build the CVC word.
These interactive, digital task cards can be used as a whole group review activity, independent learning center, small group instruction, homework assignments, remote learning and homeschooling. You do not need to be a 1:1 classroom to use Boom! My classroom is not 1:1 and I mainly use these cards as a fun review activity for the entire class, an independent learning center, and small group instruction.

Once you try Boom, I know you and your students will be HOOKED! You can check out tons of Kindergarten and First Grade math and literacy decks by visiting my Teachers Pay Teachers store.
Happy Booming!
I love this!! I would like to introduce Boom Cards for my classroom! Thank you for sharing!
You’re welcome! Your students will love them! 🙂