10 Activities for the 100th Day of School Your Students Will LOVE!
Depending on where you are from and when you started school, January usually marks a big milestone, the 100th Day of School! 100 days of learning, growing and thriving (and let’s be honest, just surviving some days!) It is a day of reflection and celebration! 100 days in the classroom deserve fun and engaging learning with hands-on activities your students will love. There are tons of great options when it comes to celebrating 100 days of school. Here are some of my favorite activities for ringing in 100 days with your classroom!

100th Day of School Centers and Activities
When we celebrate any holiday or event, I love to weave it into our everyday work in the classroom. Centers are a huge part of what we do every day, so of course, I wanted to integrate our 100th Day celebration! These 100th Day of School activities are perfect for centers, rotations, and celebrations for the big day! Here are some of my favorite 100th Day of School activities that I use year after year.
100th Day of School Math Activities
When you’re celebrating the 100th Day of School you have an automatic connection to math! Your day can be filled with all things 100 as you help students work on a variety of math standards.
Missing Numbers
Finding the missing numbers on a 100 graph chart is a great activity for celebrating the 100th day of school.
Students will navigate a hundred chart, filling in the missing numbers as they go. This will help them practice counting, writing out their numbers, and with overall number sequencing. It’s such an important skill for our young students.
If you haven’t taught all the way to 100, no worries! Use this time to focus on the number patterns you see on the hundreds chart and then challenge them to use the patterns to fill in the chart. You can complete this activity as a class, individually or with partners.
I love to start by completing the digital missing numbers activity as a class in the morning. It’s a great way to kick off the 100th Day of School by counting to 100 together. Then I send students off to complete their own printed hundred chart. For those students that are still struggling with the numbers, having the review first really helps them.
Skip Counting
Take it one step further with a skip count activity which has students practicing counting by 10’s up to 100. This is another key concept that goes right along with the 100-day theme.
I like to challenge my students to see if they can count to 100 really quickly. Without fail they start counting by ones in a speedy fashion. I encourage them to go faster. Eventually, someone will think of skip counting and they will be amazed that they could to 100 in just a few seconds.
Then we complete the cut and past skip counting activity. Later in the day when we do 100th Day centers I also use the skip counting digital activity. The students love the Boom Card activity and it is a great way to reinforce the concept of counting by tens.
I also like to include a skip counting by 5’s activity during our day. Depending on where we are in the year, we may or may not have covered skip counting by 5’s yet.
However, this activity paired with a one hundred chart makes a great way for students to explore the concepts. I like to have students start by using a yellow crayon to color in the 5’s and 10’s columns on the hundred chart. Then they use this to help them write out the numbers from 5 to 100.
100th Day Data
One of the favorite 100th Day of School math activities is always the 100 Find & Count activity.
Here, students will work on counting a specific object and documenting the number on the chart at the bottom of the page.
I like to have my students use tally marks to complete this activity.
It’s a great way to lay the foundation for collecting data. They love searching through the picture to find all of each object.
When they are done they can turn their tally marks into a number and then find the total. Hint: It’s 100!
100th Day of School Movement Activities
During the winter months, getting kids up and moving is key. Students have a ton of energy to burn off, that is why I like to incorporate some movement activities into our routine! The 100th Day of School is no exception! In fact, with all the excitement of the 100th-day students are likely to have more energy!

There’s no better way to burn off some of that energy than with 100th Day movement activities. We generally complete these movement activities as a class. I love to use the Google Slides resource for this because it is so easy to project on the front board.
100 Second Challenges
Some of the movement activities include seeing how many exercises students can do in 100 seconds. Students will stand up and complete activities like clapping, jumping jacks, and hopping on one foot. You can set a timer, or play 100 seconds of fun, upbeat music while students complete the challenge!
Not only do the students love these 100-second activities but it is a great way for them to get an idea of time concepts. The first time I ask them to do a task for 100 seconds there is some exasperation. Since 100 is such a “big” number to the students they think there is no way they could do it. They soon realize that 100 seconds isn’t all that long.
100 Workout
Similar to the 100-second activity is the 100 Workout. This fun exercise-based activity challenges students to complete 10 repetitions of 10 different activities.
We also complete these activities as a whole class doing them and counting together. The students just love that I am right there exercising along with them.
I like to break these movement activities up and do them throughout the day. They become our brain breaks and movement breaks all day long.
Students document their progress on the printable response sheets. By the end of the day, students will have completed all of the 100-second activities and the entire 100 Workout.
You don’t have to use these as whole class activities though. If you are completing 100th Day rotations, each of these could be their own rotation. They are simple enough that students could complete on their own or with a partner.
More 100th Day Fun!
As you can see by now, there are so many wonderful, creative ideas for celebrating the 100th day of school. But there’s more too! I like to fill our center rotations with all things 100 on the 100th Day of School. These are activities that students can easily complete on their own. While students are doing these independent centers, I like to monitor the 100th Day of School craft activity or science activity. Here’s some of our favorite 100th Day of School center activities:
1. Color by Number
I don’t know about you, but color-by-number activities always seem to be a huge hit in the classroom.
It combines basic math skills with the art of coloring and creating an adorable picture. Using a 100 themed picture students will complete a color by number activity.
One version focuses on basic number recognition for numbers to 20, while another version is simple addition.
I generally choose the picture with the skill that best lines up with where my students are.
2. Path to 100
If you are looking for an activity that is more like a game, but will have students focusing on numbers, then this Path to 100 activity is perfect!
Students will work on recognizing the number 100 as they try to create a path. It’s like a number recognition maze that students love. Students will color in each 100 number or cover with a manipulative to create a path to the end. It is a really fun activity that students enjoy.
This Path to 100 activity can also be completed on the computer or tablet using the digital 100th Day Activities.
3. Word Search
Who doesn’t love a good word search?!? This 100th Day of School word search is filled with school and celebration-related words. It’s a great way for students to spend a little time on language skills on this day that can be so number-focused. If students finish early they can create their own word search on the back.

4. Build 100

I don’t know about you but the building center is always a favorite in my classroom.
My students love building with pattern blocks, snap cubes, and interlocking bricks. For the 100th Day of School, I like to include some building mats and have students build the number 100.
I provide lots of options and students can grab the mat and manipulatives they want to use. If they finish they can switch mats and try again.
The students also love building 100 virtually using Google Slides. This digital building activity is a great way to incorporate technology into the center rotations.
5. Boom Cards
My students love using Boom Cards! These digital task card activities are a great way for them to use technology during independent centers.

Since the Boom Cards are self-checking students get immediate feedback and are able to work successfully on their own.
For the 100th Day of School students will complete an addition and/or subtraction digital color by number activity along with a digital hundreds chart activity.
Even though they may have done a similar paper activity during the day, they love reviewing those skills and concepts with Boom Cards.
A Low Prep 100th Day of School
If you are anything like me you are scouring the internet for all the best 100th Day of School activities for your students. Well, I’ve taken all of my favorites and put them in one place for you! Save time by grabbing them and let your 100th Day be planned. Then, maybe you can spend 100 minutes doing something you love instead of lesson planning!
You can find all these 100th Day of School activities in the Krafty in Kinder store on Teachers Pay Teachers. Grab the printable activities, the digital activities, or grab them all with the money-saving bundle.
Save these 100th Day of School Activities
Be sure to save these 100th Day of School activities to your favorite classroom Pinterest board. Whether you choose the printable or digital activities I know that you and your students will have a great day focused on all things 100!